Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What is the strangest or most unusual thing you have ever done to try to meet someone?


  1. I went to a summer camp and met a guy one time. I couldn't find him the next day and I really want to see him again so I made my friend skip lunch and free time to hunt him down with me so I could talk to him. We ended up finding him 5 minutes before the next activity, so I only had like, two minutes to talk to him -_- *facepalm*

    1. Lol wow i think that I would be upset about that too

    2. Makenzie Roller is overly dramatic....... YOLO!!!!!! Haha :P

  2. I went to the dirt track for 5 weeks straight to meet this one guy..and I did:)

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  5. I asked a boy in Pensacola at dinner time if he would help me with my crab claws.

  6. I walked around screaming.....HEY MATE,HEY MATE!!!!!


  7. Well when I little I took a little kids shovel at the beach and then we where friends I still have the shovel

  8. Well This onetime at church camp.......... Never mind.....

  9. Replies
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  10. The strangest thing I did to meet someone was basically I asked a silly question to someone and they didn't like it,but liked my personality.

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  12. When I was little I was swinging on the swings and this kid ran in front of me and I kicked him across the playground..... We became friends after that

  13. Well when she would stay after school last year to practice for tack when I had band practice I would offer to run beside her..... She never let me, but my lame flirting tactics worked :)..... And that same day we were sitting in the band hall and we were both reading a book *awkward silence* then I said "You're pretty." Then she said "What?" then I said "this book m reading, it's pretty good........."........... Fail.

  14. Me and my friend wanted to meet the guys from Divided Seasons,so to get there attention we decided to sing one of there songs really loud,we kept trying to mess up so they might notice,and they did lol they were pretty cool:)
    ((((((((Btw,The Lost Souls Haunted Trail is featuring a performance by them tomorrow night!!))))))))

  15. Nice lol..... I can't wait to see them :D

  16. It was the 1st day of 5th grade, and I was sitting next to this girl I didn't know so I looked at her and said I need to shave and I think she thought I was weird at first but she's like my best friend now

    1. I need to shave too because this peach fuzz is gettin too long

  17. I don't think I have ever done a strange thing at least not one I can think of

  18. To be honest I don't think I've ever done anything strange to meet someone.

    1. Yea same here, cause I'm not going to go out of my way to meet someone.

  19. The strangest thing I have ever done is walk past them in the hallways and accidentally bump into them hopefully to start a conversation.

  20. I think it would have to be the time I asked some random person for their phone number just to get to know them.

    1. I have done that be for but that how I do it now

  21. I think would have been the time spilled apple juice just to say hey to this guys in 8th grade.

  22. I thank it would have to be when I jump off a back deck to get this girl to come over

  23. I think it would have been when I road batman at sixflags.

  24. I have texted random numbers before to see if someone would text back. Not safe at all. Don't try it.

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  26. The weirdest way would have to be when I had to run a mile just to see this one girl I liked. It was worth it.

  27. The weirdest thing I done to meet someone was go to 3 footballs every Friday night just to meet them and finally they showed up.

  28. I think the strangest thing was when I asked a certain young ladies parent if I could meet her.

  29. The weirdest way I meet someone is when I stared to add random people on Facebook.....do not ever do that cause you well find a weird people on there trust me been there never doing it again

  30. The most strangest thing I have ever done to try to meet someone was I asked for their phone number

  31. I think it would have to be when me and friends was walking and I accidentally walked into someone and asked them if they wanted to hangout with us.
